Introduction to Coral Reef Diversity and Conservation
Time & Place: Science 327, Weds 8:30-10:00
許可 code: 87t5
Instructor: James Reimer.
Office: Science 353
Office hours: Anytime except Weds. daytime.
Goals #1:
Understand why coral reefs have high importance and diversity.
Understand new coral reef research.
Understand basic DNA techniques (and others) and how to use them in conservation.
Goals #2:
Understand the threats coral reefs face from anthropogenic and climate change problems.
Understand basic conservation techniques.
Mid-term presentation (in groups of 2-3 people) and very short report: 40%.
Final test: 40%
Two random tests: 20%
You must pass both in order to pass the class.
Class schedule:
1. 登録調整と説明 (10/15)
2. Introduction to diversity + Red Sea images (11/5)
3. サンゴ礁生態系の紹介 (11/12)
4. 遺伝学の紹介 (11/19)
5. 系統樹の説明(12/17)
6. サンゴ礁生態系についての研究紹介I (12/24)
7. サンゴ礁生態系についての研究紹介II (1/7)
8. 中期レポートの説明 (1/14)
9. サンゴ礁生態系についての研究紹介III (1/21)
10. 網状進化の研究紹介 (1/28)
11. 保全学についての研究紹介I-Great Barrier Reef Park History (未定)
12. DNA Barcoding and the Tree of Lifeの紹介 (未定)
13. 期末テスト(未定)
14. group presentations/test (未定)
10/8、10/22、10/29 授業は休みです(出張のため)
Text, reading, references:
Nothing necessary, but you will do better by reading suggested readings.
I may take questions from suggested readings.
Posted on blog and at end of each class.
Good news:
Drinks and food in class OK, but be respectful.
Questions anytime OK.
Take notes!
Bad news:
No copying, cheating, or missing references.
No attendance taken.
Two random tests!
Good luck!
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